On November 16, the College of Health and Human Services will host the 2023 Health and Human Services Hero Awards to recognize individuals who are making a transformative impact in their profession. We will highlight the eight honorees in our Heroes Blog Series.

hero23_kscalzo_smName: Katie Scalzo 
Occupation: Principal, Gettysburg Elementary School, Clovis Unified School District
Nominated by: Department of Kinesiology

As principal of Gettysburg Elementary School in Clovis Unified, Scalzo champions physical fitness and social emotional learning for each of her students, as she believes this is the best way for students to become successful both in school and in life. 

“As a teacher and an administrator, I have always encouraged students to become involved in athletics,” said Scalzo. “When students are actively participating in a sport, they are invested in a different way to their school. The positive involvement boosts their self esteem, confidence, and social emotional well-being.”

Scalzo’s passion for physical education began early on in her life and extended into her college years at Fresno State, where she majored in and earned her bachelor’s degree in kinesiology, with an emphasis in physical education. Afterwards, she obtained her teaching credential and a master’s degree in educational leadership, both from the university. 

Today, Scalzo remains connected to Fresno State through her work with future teachers who student-teach at various Clovis Unified schools.

Prior to becoming principal, Scalzo served as vice principal and a physical education teacher at Clovis Unified, where she has worked for the past 19 years. In her primary role, Scalzo has a community-first approach to her leadership style. 

“There is a true partnership with parents, students, and teachers working together to help students reach their full potential,” she said. 

One example of this is the Positivity Project Scalzo enacted at her school, which focuses on 24 character traits, with each week focusing on a specific strength that includes lessons, projects and videos to help create a healthy mindset at their school site. 

Another example is through a structured physical education curriculum, which engages students in relationship building and healthy competition. According to Scalzo, this helps students overcome obstacles that transfer to life experiences. It is something she knows firsthand. 

“I try to practice what I preach,” Scalzo said. “I am a product of being committed to a healthy lifestyle and believe it helps me in all of the ways it helps my students.”

The 2023 Health and Human Services Hero Awards, which celebrates heroes from each of the seven departments, as well as centers and institutes within our college, will be held virtually this year. For more information on the event, contact Beth Wilkinson at bwilkinson@csufresno.edu.