On November 18, the College of Health and Human Services will host the 2021 Health and Human Services Hero Awards to recognize individuals who are making a bold difference right here in the Central Valley. We will highlight the ten honorees in our Heroes Blog Series.

BMuro2Name: Brandi Muro 

Occupation:  Senior Director of Program Services, California Health Collaborative 

Nominated by: The Department of Public Health

Since its inception, the California Health Collaborative has strived to change lives by improving the health and wellness of California residents – of all ages and backgrounds. For Brandi Muro, senior director of program services, that is a mission she truly believes in. In her nearly 10 years with the collaborative, Muro has been able to oversee a variety of program areas, including nutrition, diabetes management and prevention, perinatal health and maternal mental health.

Muro said she is passionate about health and wellness, as well as preventing chronic conditions. Her time at the collaborative has allowed her to grow programs that increase access to needed resources and services, reduce disparities and improve environmental health outcomes. She is also generous with her time and expertise, regularly giving back to Fresno State public health students.

Muro, who graduated from Fresno State with her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in public health, stays well connected to the University. She serves as an internship preceptor for undergraduate and graduate public health students, providing them hands-on training opportunities in the field. 

In addition, Muro was instrumental in converting the Master of Public Health program into a two-year program, which required many hours reviewing course curriculum and providing feedback essential to converting the online program. 

Muro recalls her own time as a student and how beneficial internships were. In fact, an opportunity with the American Cancer Society gave her a firsthand glimpse into the nonprofit world, which spearheaded her career in the field, working at a variety of nonprofits before coming to the collaborative. 

“It is important for me to stay connected and provide support to the students that will be working with us in the future,” Muro said. “I was fortunate when I was at Fresno State to be given a great opportunity as an intern that turned into a career. I want to give students that same opportunity.”

The 2021 Health and Human Services Hero Awards, which celebrates heroes from each of the seven departments, as well as centers and institutes within our college, will be held virtually this year. For more information on the event, contact Beth Wilkinson at bwilkinson@csufresno.edu.